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公司名称: 汕头市金平区升平虹达塑料薄膜袋厂

主营产品: OPP袋  卡头袋  DVD/CD袋  D9包装袋  平口袋  自粘袋  彩印袋  光盘袋 

企业成立: 1992-05-18 员工规模: 10 - 20人

联系qq:   联系销售     联系采购

Our company was founded in 1992, the company specialized productplastic plastic bag, widely applied in the daily expense, the toy, food, the clothing, the ion OPP, PP, PE each kind of Our company was founded in 1992, the company specialized production OPP, PP, PE each kind of plastic plastic bag, widely applied in the daily expense, the toy, food, the clothing, the stationery, the accessories, CD, DVD and so on. Raw material main OPP material, PP (gatherthird thin) PE (polythene).
   The company production line renews the production technology unceasingly, the high quality product quality, gives the customer to be most satisfied, the brightest smiling face, and “strives for the survival take the quality, the service to win the prestige” as the objective, repays the general customers to support vigorously.




价格: 电议

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